The first painting I am going to focus on Big Bird by Fred Tomaselli. He created the painting in 2004. It shows a beautiful design of the nature. It also shows some surreal details hidden in the background. Both of these design all merged together revealing a beautiful drawing.
In the foreground of the painting, it shows a bird on a tree branch. The tree branch looks flat in the painting. The leaves upon the tree branch look something similar to illustrated young oak leaves with blunted ends. Some of the leaves on the branch are in olive color darkening into black with a touch of a yellow color that is a split between gold and goldenrod and others have the similar colors but more in the color olive green dark turning into brown. Also not only on the tree there are flowers that is a similar type to Clematis Festoon Bonanza, mauve-blue flowers with yellow stamens. The flowers look like illustrated daisies in the color of ultramarine blue and with a yellow center. Both the leaves and the flowers were connected to a branch that looks realistic having the texture revealed by the varies of shading of brown that varies from brown, brown ochre and sienna with a little bit of lighting with the use of light goldenrod, yellow, and melon yellow. The whole branch and its attachments are contradicting each other. The leaves turning brown or black represent autumn, while the bloomed flowers represent the spring. The branch show a hint of light which means it is in a place during the daylight, while the background is of the night.
The bird stands out the most in the painting with its mosaic texture except its legs. The tail feathers and the back of the neck and halfway down the back it is painted with the colors of Indian red, English red, light salmon, black, white, orange, orange red and aureoline yellow. On the crown or the top part of the head, it fades from the back of the neck into cadmium lemon, green and the shades of orange from the back. The beak is a mix of cadmium lemon and light orange. The wings are composed of the different shade of slate blue, light violet, white, spots of orange red, spots of crimson red, floral white ivory, and antique white. The belly of the bird has the same colors of white shades in the feather with splotches of blanched almond, light melon and light goldenrod. The crown of the bird and the tail feather gives an effect of tiny rays coming from it. The bird outshines the background and the branch.
The background has a base of black decorated with white specks which could be depicted as snow or stars. Along with the white specks, there are things similar to snow flakes glowing in the dark. They come in shades orange, white, green, and red. It might be stars. There is also a circular object towards the left of the bird’s neck. It has a wire spiral in the color of Mars yellow and orange red rays. It could have represents the sun. It also contradicts with the base of the back ground in the same way as the tree branch. It shows that there is some form of light coming out of the darkness. It adds to the picture some interstellar effect making the background surreal to the foreground and the leaves to the flower or the other way.
The next painting is the Doppelganger Effect created by Fred Tomaselli in the same year as the first. It is the most interesting piece of art. It shows how Tomaselli thinks of doppelganger effect.
The background of the painting is black. In some way, it might be relative to space. The main object and the foreground of the painting are the lines or the strings that hung from the top of the painting down to the bottom. On each of the strings it is filled with beads or rock shaped objects. Each line of beads had at least one colors in its various shade. In the beads it alternate in different order none the same. There is the color of red, blue or violet, orange, and others more. There are some with the same colors all throughout the string like the beaded maroon color string about the sixth string inward from the left side of the painting or the floral white beads that look a lot like strings of pearls in various location of the painting.
It is also showing the doppelganger effect in a perspective view directly looking inwards to the center. The colors in each strand can be seen near the edges, but going towards the center, strands intertwined with each other. It is like it is wild vines uncontrollable and unclear. The strings might even be connected. One might never predict what is in the cluster.
The third painting is Hang Over created by Tomaselli in 2005. It looks like Tomaselli use some of the techniques from the beginning two choice in this painting. The painting is a close up scenery of a tree with fields of flower surrounding it. The background is black. The trunk has the same colors as the branch in the first painting. The difference between this tree from normal trees is that its leave were replaced by strings of beads hanging lazily on the tree with varies colors on each string. It might not have leaves to begin with. The might be a possibility that the leaves had wilted off. The field of flowers has varieties of flowers. Some have the shape of stars, some similar to dandelions and others similar to everyday wildflowers varying in color. All along with the grass, they have wavy stems. It seems like the wavy like stems are similar to the plants in the water such as seaweed. Among the wavy flowers, there are these wild leaf plants. The leaves on the plants were in shades of dark yellow going into mud color with a little bit of green in it. It shows the contradiction of season between the leaf plant and the flowers.